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Posts tagged ‘Assessment’

Demystifying Azure Migrations – Part 16: Summary

In this series, we explored the many different tools, utilities, and options available to perform cloud assessments, planning, readiness checks, and migrations.

We covered the different phases that make up the migration journey, namely: Discover, Assess, Migrate, Manage, and Optimize.

Many of these tools performed multiple functions across more than one phase of the migration journey.

As a quick-link reference, here is the list of tools this series covered:


Throughout this series, we strived to explore each of the currently available tools, and provide information about what they are, what you use them for, along with some pro’s and con’s, and other thoughts based on our experience with them.

To help summarize, we have created a simple flowchart to show all the tools we’ve considered, what categories (as a tool can cross multiple categories) they fall into, and how they relate to each other.

Azure Migrations – Flow Chart

And that’s the end of our series. We hope you found it useful/helpful in putting together the various pieces of Azure migration toolsets.

Demystifying Azure Migrations – Part 15 (Third-Party Tools)

In the introduction to this series, we identified that there are multiple parts of the cloud migration journey; namely: Discover, Assess, Migrate, Manage, and Operate.

We will cover various tools that either falls into one of or span multiple phases in the migration journey.

As a quick-link reference, here is the list of tools this series will cover:


Up until this point, this series has been focused on Microsoft specific tools and technologies, but there are also many 3rd party options available as well.

However, I do not currently have experience with these tools. So, for now, I will just list them, and link to their respective sites.

On an alternative note, if you have experience with any of these solutions, and would like to contribute to this series with some pro’s/con’s, etc. please feel free to reach out to me.

Demystifying Azure Migrations – Part 14 (Manage and Optimize)

In the introduction to this series, we identified that there are multiple parts of the cloud migration journey; namely: Discover, Assess, Migrate, Manage, and Operate.

We will cover various tools that either falls into one of or span multiple phases in the migration journey.

As a quick-link reference, here is the list of tools this series will cover:


This specific series does not go into details on the various Management and Optimization tools available for a cloud environment (that may be another follow-on series). All the tools that we have considered fall within the first 3 phase of the migration journey (Discover, Assess, Migrate).

If you are interested in exploring further tools within the ‘Manage’ phase of the migration journey, I would recommend you take a look at my other series on “Azure Monitoring Tools Explained”, or also explore some of the many articles I’ve written on Azure Backup, and Azure Site Recovery.

As for the ‘Optimize’ phase, within the “Azure Monitoring Tools Explained” series, there is a specific post on Azure Advisor and another post on Azure Security Center (ASC) which help with recommendations about high availability, performance, and security.

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