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SCOM SNMP Monitoring

To create a network devices discovery rule

Open the Operations console with an account that is a member of Operations Manager Administrators. Navigate to the Administration workspace, right-click Administration, and then click Discovery Wizard.

SNMP Monitoring - 01 - Discovery Wizard

On the Discovery Type page, select Network devices, and then click Next.

SNMP Monitoring - 02 - Discovery Type

On the General Properties page, provide a Name for the discovery rule, select a Management Server to run the Discovery rule, and select or create a Resource Pool that will monitor the devices; then click Next.

SNMP Monitoring - 03 - General Properties

On the Discovery Method page, select Explicit discovery or Recursive discovery, and then click Next.

Note: If you know all of the network devices that you want discovered, you should use explicit discovery. Recursive discovery can discover devices that you have no business need to monitor and as a result, can increase the administrative workload of monitoring your network.

SNMP Monitoring - 04 - Discovery Method

On the Default Accounts page, select or create a Run As account, then click Next.

SNMP Monitoring - 05 - Default Accounts

On the Devices page, click the Add button.

SNMP Monitoring - 06 - Devices

If you are adding an SNMP v1 or v2 device, on the Devices page, do the following:

Note: This procedure describes how to add devices one at a time. You can also add multiple devices by clicking the Import button to import a text file with a list of IPv4 addresses. This file should have a single IP address on each line. After import, the IP addresses are part of the discovery rule and the text file is no longer needed.

Click Add to open the Add Device page.

On the Add Device page, type the IPv4 address or FQDN of the device that you want to discover and monitor. If you are creating a recursive discovery, the discovery will access this device to locate other devices on your network.

In Access Mode, select ICMP, SNMP, or ICMP and SNMP. This specifies how the device will be discovered and how it will be monitored after discovery.

Note: If you select ICMP and SNMP, the device must be accessible by both protocols or it will not be discovered. If you select ICMP, discovery will be limited to the specified device, and monitoring will be limited to whether the device is online or offline.

In Port number, retain the default port (161) or select another port number for the device.

Select v1 or v2 from the SNMP version drop-down box.

In SNMP V1 or V2 Run As account, select Use selected default account. If you specify an account in this window, then only the specified account will be used for discovery.

Note: If you are discovering devices that use more than one SNMP community string and therefore have multiple Run As accounts, you can retain the default value of Use selected default accounts in the SNMP V1 or V2 Run As account field. When you do this, the Network Devices Discovery Wizard will attempt to use the community string for every Run As account that you selected on the Default Accounts page against every device that you add to the discovery list until a community string succeeds.

Click OK. This returns you to the Devices page and you should see the device that you just added listed.

Note: The Advanced Discovery Settings button on the Devices page opens a dialog box that contains a number of settings that you can use to configure discovery of network devices, such as number of retry attempts. If you know you are going to discover more than 1500 devices, you must change the Maximum number of devices to discover in Advanced Discovery Settings.

Add other SNMP v1 or v2 devices and Run As accounts as necessary, and then click Next.

SNMP Monitoring - 07 - Add A Device

On the Schedule Discovery page, either accept the default value of Saturday at 2 AM or specify an alternate schedule, and then click Next.

Note: We recommend that you do not run network discovery more frequently than twice per week because network discovery can take hours to complete and may place an excessive load on the management server or gateway server during discovery.

SNMP Monitoring - 08 - Schedule Discovery

Review your settings on the Summary page, and then click Finish when you are ready to proceed.

SNMP Monitoring - 09 - Summary

You will see a Warning popup that reads “The following accounts need to be distributed to the health service management server name in order for the discovery to work: DiscoveryNameRun As Account. Would you like Operations Manager to distribute the accounts? Yes: Distribute the accounts and create the discovery. No: Do not distribute the accounts and do not create the discovery.” Click Yes.

SNMP Monitoring - 10 - Warning

The wizard completes and you see the message The network discovery rule was successfully created. Ensure Run the network discovery rule after the wizard is closed is selected if you want the rule to run immediately, and then click Close. The network devices discovery rule is created. If you did not select Run the network discovery rule after the wizard is closed, the discovery rule will run on the scheduled day and time.

Note: It can take several minutes for the network discovery rule to appear in the Operations console and begin discovery if you select Run the network discovery rule after the wizard is closed.

SNMP Monitoring - 11 - Completion

To monitor the progress of network device discovery, watch the status column of the discovery rule.

SNMP Monitoring - 12 - Rule Status

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